Something you must know................

Do it for the possibility. The possibility that if you make one minor change you may set the stage for major fulfillment. Sometimes even the smallest shift in thinking or doing can create the biggest opportunity. Here’s how to get started:
1. Challenge your beliefs about what you can and can’t do. Maybe you are a good leader.
2. Challenge your ideas about how things should work. Sometimes when you decide how things  be you limit your ability to be effective in the world as it actually is.
3. Have a vision session. Write in a journal, create a video, sketch—anything that lets you explore what excites you most.
4. Look for opportunities in a tough situation. Avoid a victim mentality, and opt instead for a “ ready for new beginning" attitude.
5. Remove something from your life that doesn’t serve you to make room for something better and new. You never know what you might let in when you let something go.
6. Commit to something you always say you’ll do but always fail to start—and then take the first step right now.
7. Turn your focus from something don’t want to something you do want. This allows you to shift your energy from complaining to taking action.
8. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Positive energy creates positive results.
9. Identify the blocks that keep you from breaking a bad habit. Anytime you improve your habits, you pave the path for personal excellence.
10. Forgive someone if you’ve been holding a grudge. Removing that block will open you up where previously you’d shut down.

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