Shivaratri Rituals.........

      Literally translating to ‘the great night of Shiva’ ,the festival of Shivaratri is just around the corner. We thought we’d take you on a ride through its many unique rituals.

THE BHANG, DHATURO AND GANJA INNDULGENCE: We find people enjoying these, otherwise illegal, intoxicants throughout the day of Shivaratri as part of the celebration. The authorities on this day do not intervene in this matter.

RITUAL REASON:These are taken as prasadas of Lord Shiva on a day dedicated to him.

THE NAGA JOGI: Shivaratri is famous for their fair shares of Jogis that come in numbers of observe the festival. They are clad in minimal or no attire.

RITUAL REASON: The minimal attire is the Jogi’s way of devoting himself to god-an expression of sacrificing worldly pleasures to lead a simple life.

THE BATO CHEKNE:In this very popular Shivaratri ritual,(mostly)children stand on the either side of a road with ropes in their  hands to stop the passersby, letting them go only with the exchange of money.

RITUAL REASON: The tradition which has been observed for decades is particularly done to collect funds for nightly activities during the festival. People observe the custom of staying up all night for merrymarking which is called ‘Jagart.’

THE SHIVA DHUNI:Shiva Dhuni or the great bonfire in the name of Shiva is lit up during the night by all  observers of the festival.

RITUAL REASON:The bonfire that is kept burning throughout the night is an accompaniment for neighbors, friends and family to come together and celebrate; the perfect provider of warmth to enjoy jargarat with.

THE GREAT MELA:Pashupatinath Temple hosts the great Mela during the festivity. Devotees from all over the world come in packs to pray and offer offerings.

RITUAL REASON:Pashupatinath Temple is one of the major Shiva Temples for Hindus all over the world. And the temple celebrating his big way, only makes sense.

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